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Everything I can do... i

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The game
  szogunMMA, May 05 2011

I am "decent" TAG. I put it in speech marks because mainly my game is solid with thing to work on. I won't discuss tilt here because i work on my psyche alot and i am very very good motivated, self-confident and i have good approach to this part of the game.

After 88,000 hands that i played last 4 months (now i play 6-7 hours a day so this is going to be much much more) i am breaking even. I will not concentrate on making excuces or justify why is how it is.

Feel free to say anything You want :-)

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Let's get it started
  szogunMMA, May 05 2011

Hello You :-) First few words about me, then how i want this blog to look like.
My name is Paul, i am 24 years old. I'm Polish and i live with my wife and son. I started living from poker earnings half year ago. I am reg at 25NL and looking to go back at NL50. My main goal is to erase all main leaks such as cbeting not enought, spots to double barrel, make my 3bet game better etc. I will write more in topic about game.
Now i do this because i now that a lot of people here is generous and willing to help younger players to get better, because they remember the times when they struggled.
I will start by describing my game using HEM stats as well as some leakbuster filters that i see helpfull. I will also post everyday hand histories with ALL SORT OF questions about any thing i find difficult to me.

Ok so i already thank you for the time spent reading this and i encourage you to give your knowledge and feedback.


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